Milissa R. Bailey

About The Author

Milissa Bailey grew up among the rolling fields of rural Iowa. Her debut novel draws upon her rich knowledge of the Midwest where she was born, raised and continues to live with her husband.  She has three grown children.

Milissa, along with her husband, own a marketing firm located in Iowa. She is currently at work on the second book in the Gracier series.

Milissa R. Bailey

Milissa R. Bailey

Book cover of Gracier

First in the Gracier Series

Welcome to Gracier, Iowa, a well-kept community with even better kept secrets. Lives are peaceful, streets are quiet, but behind the tranquility is many a tale to be told.

Veterinarian Jessica McCabe has returned, but it is not the homecoming she had expected. Her grandfather, Jonas McCabe and Gracier’s longtime vet has died, leaving behind the practice they had hoped to share.

The reading of Jonas’ will sets off a series of events that bring into question Jessica’s birthright, the truth surrounding her mother’s untimely death and her grandfather’s sanity. With her world turned upside down she is thrown into a partnership with Matthew Cassidy, the man who chose family wealth over Jessica’s love.

Longtime family friends Dr. Andrew Harrison and Sheriff Chester Caughlin know the truth. A promise must be kept. But those who have kept the truth hidden are about to discover not everything has been laid to rest.

Available as an eBook here

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